
Robin Williams Remembered on Mrs Doubtfire set by Sally Fields and young Lisa Jakub


Sally Field Reveals Robin Williams Changed ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ Filming Order So She Could Leave Set After Her Father Died: ‘He Was Very Sensitive and Intuitive’

reprinted courtesy Variety

By Zack Sharf, 20 hrs ago

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Sally Field recently told Vanity Fair that Robin Williams made arrangements for her to leave the “Mrs. Doubtfire” set when her father died during filming. Field had not planned to disrupt the production due to the personal matter, but Williams could tell something was off about his co-star and made director Chris Columbus change the order of filming so that the production could shoot around Field for a day.

‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ Teen Star Says Robin Williams Spoke ‘Super Honestly About Mental Health’ and Made Her Feel Like ‘I’m Not a Freak. I Don’t Have to Hide This About Myself’

“I never shared this story before,” Field said. “I was in the camper outside of the courtroom where we were shooting the divorce scene. My father had a stroke a couple of years before, and was in a nursing facility. I got a phone call from the doctor saying my father had passed — a massive stroke. He asked if I wanted them to put him on the resuscitator. I said, ‘No, he did not want that. Just let him go. And please lean down and say, “Sally says goodbye.”‘”

“I was of course beside myself,” Field continued. “I came on the set trying with all my might to act. I wasn’t crying. Robin came over, pulled me out of the set, and asked, ‘Are you okay?’”

When Field eventually told Williams that her father had died, she remembered Williams responding: “Oh my God, we need to get you out here right now.”

“And he made it happen — they shot around me the rest of the day,” Field said. “I could go back to my house, call my brother and make arrangements. It’s a side of Robin that people rarely knew: He was very sensitive and intuitive.”

Williams impacted the lives of many of his co-stars during the making of “Mrs. Doubtfire.” Lisa Jakub, who was a teenager when she played the eldest daughter of Williams’ character in the film, told Fox News Digital earlier this year that Williams was the first person to speak openly to her about mental health struggles when they worked together on “Mrs. Doubtfire.”

‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ Actor Got ‘Thrown Out of High School’ Due to Starring in the Film, So Robin Williams Wrote a Letter Urging the Principal to ‘Rethink This Decision’

“He would talk to me about his struggles and the things that he went through,” Jakub said. “And it was the first time that I felt like, ‘Oh, I’m not a freak. I don’t have to hide this about myself. This is just something that some of us have to deal with.’”

“Mrs. Doubtfire” starred Williams as a father who decides to dress up as a female housekeeper so he can work for his estranged wife and see his children. The movie was the second highest-grossing film of 1993 with $441 million worldwide.

During a May interview on the “Brotherly Love” podcast, Jakub also shared how Williams tried to help her when she was kicked out of high school for taking time off to shoot “Mrs. Doubtfire.”

“The amazing thing was Robin saw that I was upset — he asked me what was going on,” Jakub said. “He wrote a letter to my principal saying that he wanted them to rethink this decision and that I was just trying to pursue my education and career at the same time, and could they please support me in this. The principal got the letter, framed the letter, put it up in the office, and didn’t ask me to come back. Amazing.”

Head over to Vanity Fair’s website to read more from Field.

‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ Kids Reunite 31 Years After the Robin Williams Classic and Say ‘We Still Feel Like Siblings’: ‘It’s Always a Joy to See’ Each Other





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Good Timing x 2

Two Good News Stories in One : Good Timing

1 )

Ragan Henry (1934-2008)- Black radio pioneer and art promoter helped blacks and others in radio and art but might never have happened if Henry were born a year earlier.

1952 was the first year Harvard took in Black -then Known as Negros- students. Ragan Henry was one of 13 admitted, accordimg to my reliable uncle, Richard Marchick. No affirmative action HERE; he was admitted purely on scohlarship.


Dr Richard Marchick , here celebrating 60 years with wife Gloria. None of it would have probably happened if he were born only a year earlier.

My uncle, Dr. Richard Marchick  , who just celebrated his 90th, remembers Harvard classmate Ragan as a hardworking student ,who also had a second obstacle-to battle his own Dad to make Harvard really happen because the family needed Ragan to work to bring in money. Ragan agreed to take on a job at night just to honor his dad’s wishes and still get Into Harvard.

With his Harvard education behind him, Ragan A. Henry initially amassed 26 radio stations on the East Coast, starting in the 1970s when it wasn’t easy for black people to own any at all. Later 26 stations became 60, nationwide. But with smarts, wits and a dream, he was one of the few.. It wasn’t easy, born the son of share croppers making $10 a week in Kentucky, 1934

Art of black artist Moe Brooker from the Ragun Henry collection

Henry was the first African American to own a network-affiliated TV station and helped paved the way for media moguls who are household names today. He also massage a collection of black reduced art helping to promote black artists of the day, among ofhers. But very few people know or remember his name, for his rise as a broadcast entrepreneur came before the internet and Facebook and Twitter. You wont even find a listing on wikipedia. (From,a%20dream%2C%20he%20was%20one%20of%20the%20few.)

Andrew Turner, four figures, oil on canvas.

2 ) Speaking of my Uncle Richard Marchick,

At lunch over a reuben sandwich at Orinda Europa hofbrau the other day , he told me ‘the rest of the story’ as Paul Harvey might say. My Uncle relates that he only got into Harvar d,  himself , because it was the first year Harvard started accepting Jews. He had been turned down by Stanford while  non-Jewish friends with lower scores were accepted.

But then, like with Henry having a second obstacle, Marchick during a routine physical exam, despite having no symptoms was diagnosed with a detached retina that made Harvard reverse its decision to accept him. There were only three retinal specialists at the time and the one on the East coast told Marchick he would go blind as there was yet no reliable  treatment for reattaching the retina . Lazer was still a half century away and even cryo was not yet available. Only Electric cauterization and

Photo coagulation were possibilities and only recently available.  Luckily, the retina specialist on the west coast told Marchick he could do the surgery but Marchick would have to be layed up for months, the first two weeks with sandbags , and wear pinhole glasses.

Marchick gratefully accepted his only real chance to avoid blindness. After a successful surgery, the doctor wrote Harvard a letter assuring it that Marxhick would not go blind- and he still got into  Harvard that year.

Had Marchick been born only a year earlier he would have likey gone blind AND not been accepted to Harvard or become the reknown California physician and Henry would not have beem atmitted to Harvard NOR LIKELY GONE ON TO PURCHASE AND OPERATE 60 BLACK BROADCAST CHANNELS!. That’s called GOOD TIMING and GOOD NEWS!

On a personal note I well remember ‘Uncle Dick’ as a fledgling salesman for Merk(?) , living with our family in Oakland after Harvard,and. driving a cool 57 Chevy while wearing pinhole glasses – a temporary aftermath of his eye surgery (and not in that order). We hung out at the 19c hamburger place and listened to Harry Belafonte tunes together. NOT BAD MEMORIES for a kid! …and what a great thing to still be able to hang out together some 60 years later.😃


Clint Eastwood,93, Can’t Slow Down- Still Won’t Let the Old Man Inside

It would be hard to find a person who was unfamiliar with Clint Eastwood. In addition to being an actor, he has produced and directed films for many years.

In San Francisco, California, on May 31, 1930, Eastwood was born.His charm and his ability to play in the spaghetti Westerns for which he was well-known soon gained him notoriety.

He switched to becoming a director by the 1970s, and he was starting to gain recognition for his outstanding films. It all began in 1971 when he directed Play Misty for Me.He has directed numerous movies over the years, such as Million Dollar Baby, Mystic River, and Unforgiven.

Oscars were won for those films, and he seemed to be capable of anything.In addition to his career as an actor, director, and filmmaker, he entered the political sphere. He served as the mayor of Carmel by the Sea, California, and throughout the years, he has maintained his conservative position.Eastwood chose to share his story with the public at the age of 89. Even though we had known him for years, we had never had a behind-the-scenes look until then.Being born during the Great Depression and growing up in a mobile home with his family presented some difficulties for Eastwood. In spite of those challenges, he overcame the years to establish himself as a powerful figure.

He was drafted into the US Army in 1950, and at the age of 21, he had to swim several miles to safety after his plane crashed in the Pacific. This gave him the opportunity to reflect on how fleeting life was.Despite being ninety-three years old, Clint Eastwood is still a well-known figure in both the on and off screen worlds. We eagerly anticipate what he has in store for us down the road

Good News Spirit Uncategorized

True Spirit of Christmas keeps shining despite news blackout

Subject: Real News

The true spirit of Christmas keeps shining.

Real News: This is what our nightly news should look like?

The man who gave the shoes off his feet to this homeless girl.



This motorcyclist who stopped to help an old woman pass safely. 




This barber, who offers haircuts for the price of a single hug. 




Consolation knows no color 




The police officer who handcuffed himself to a woman to make sure she knew she’d have to take him with her. 




The many people who helped make this boy’s dream come true. 



This dog owner who mourned by giving. 



This store employee who gives extra service. 




The person who decided to put new tires on a stranger’s car just because he needed it. 




The crowd who decided a fan should be able to watch the show, no matter what. 




This dry cleaning place that helps the unemployed for  





These kids helping an injured member of their rival team to score. 




The man who played for fun and gave his winnings  






This man who missed his train helping this older lady with her bags. 




This man who gave something to a homeless man no one gives – something to occupy his mind. 







And Dan, a man who, twice a week, buys coffee for every patient, nurse and doctor at local cancer centers. 



The people at the animal hospital, knowing how hard it is to say goodbye.


This man who gave his umbrella away so this cat could have a dry night.

The paramedics.


“Kindness lasts forever!”

Remembering Our ‘Old Soldier’ OJ- from Mean Streets to Happy Home to Never Long Enough

Orange Julius after well enough to finally have teeth cleaned in January, ‘ran out of gas ‘ a few weeks later and left us in February at age 20!. You could see he didn’t want to go in those mournful eyes while taking a couple last licks of a churro stick he was fairly active until last day but in obvious distress.

Greater Good Charities- Shop where it matters- Ukraine, Animals

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PC Christmas plus Inspirational, old Fashioned Xmas, Deals, Local Spotlight >>> #inspirational #Christmas #Xmas #oldfashioned 🎁 ⛄ 👵


Finally, Hollywood Actor Comes Out for Unity, Not Politics

McConaughey GIVES uplifting virtual ‘urban school assembly for emergency management’ commencement speech

Matthew McConaughey says coronavirus has been ‘hijacked’ by ‘partisan politics,’ calls for unity

Rasha Ali   | USA TODAY 8:32 a.m. PDT May 13, 2020

5 Key Takeaways for Grads :

1) Act today so you will be proud tomorrow, e.g. those comments you leave online will outlive you.

2) Inspire yourself and others. Laugh and have as much fun as you can when you can

3) Life’s hard, even without a damn pandemic. Realize that now and youll enjoy your life a whole lot more.

4) Dont be afraid to fail. Take risks and learn who you are and persist to be that person and get what you want.

5) Let your reach exceed your grasp and what you end up getting will be better that you would have grasped

6) Its o.k. to screw up (much like 4.)

7) Take care of your family, friends and loved ones. Make a plan, stick with it and own it

Matthew McConaughey is calling for unity during the coronavirus pandemic which he feels has been politicized.

The Academy Award-winning actor appeared on Tuesday’s “Special Report with Bret Baier” to discuss his new PSA, aimed at uniting Americans during the pandemic, and remind people that COVID-19 “is not about politics.”

“I could feel that this united purpose we all have as Americans to beat this enemy and this virus, that purpose got hijacked a bit by partisan politics,” McConaughey said. “The narrative became if you want to go to work, you’re on the far right. If you don’t go to work, you want to stay home, you’re on the far left. And now even the mask wearing is getting politicized, where if you want to wear a mask, you wear a mask, you’re a liberal and if you don’t, you’re conservative and that’s just not true.”

The “Dallas Buyers Club” actor said this divide has caused people to fight two wars: one against the virus and one against each other.

“This is not about politics, it’s about us. The U.S.A. We got to take care of each other right now, we have a collective purpose,” the 50-year-old actor said. “How many times are we unanimously convicted of an enemy that we all want to beat? Look at how great Americans are when purpose comes to us in a crisis.”

He continued: “This is a tug of war with the virus, we need all hands on the rope if we’re going to beat it.”

McConaughey said although he doesn’t see a solution to the pandemic right now, he encourages people to think of ways they can help.

“We are waiting for science to catch up with us in this predicament. So what can each of us do independently, individually in our families, in our households, in our communities, in our neighborhoods, in our cities?” the actor said. “This is uncharted waters, there’s not a playbook. I understand that. These are band-aids and things we need to do to hold this off until we have enough science to understand (it’s safe to re-engage).”

The “Gentlemen” actor also encouraged people to wear masks if they go outside. 

“I hope we wear masks as a badge of honor and something we feel like somebody told us we had to wear and it takes away our identity. I think wearing a mask is not propaganda,” McConaughey said. “I don’t think it’s partisanship or politics. I think a mask is all about our purpose right now.

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CoronaVirus Neil Diamond

Covid -19 Positive Messages & Media, Tributes & Tips from some of our Favorites and not so famous

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Get FREE Doctor-Approved CBD Gummies Product That’s Taking America by Storm
The Beatles are back with a virtual hit and tip


tony bennet sing along
Paul Tormey, regional vice president of Fairmont Hotels, leads a singalong of “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” in front of the Tony Bennett statue at the Fairmont Hotel as a tribute to frontline workers battling the coronavirus pandemic in San Francisco, Calif. on Saturday, April 25, 2020. FULL STORY

Let’s make this a extra special tribute to perhaps the first major name in this country who has been taken from us due to the Covid-19 virus, first country star JOE DIFFEE and recently the great roots artist, John Prine, and others.

Carlene Carter talks about Prine in a full hour home concert here. Click below:
carlene carter country singer from famous Cash Carter family
Country-folk singer Carlene Carter gives one of the longer and heartfelt home concerts where she sings and talks about her friend, the late John Prine and her famous musical family, among others

‘We hope that everyone is hanging in there and staying safe . Enjoy!’ – Carlene Carter

STAYIN’ INSIDE -With a salute to the BeeGees, Stayin Alive couldn’t be better suited or of which a parody done any better than these boys with ‘Stayin Inside’ – the best of the Covid-19 parodies we’ve heard so far… Enjoy and Stay Inside!
the great Norman Fox and his doowop parody of his hot ‘Tell Me Why’
Covid messages and music from celebrities
Enjoy a full TB concert with the great Ralph Sharon Trio.

Dear Friends,

I was deeply looking forward to seeing you all this year at my many shows throughout the country. I can’t wait to get back on the road, but until then, I have collected all the videos from my 1994 MTV Unplugged performance with the Ralph Sharon Trio! Let this be an experience that we can all share together.

Watch The Show

You are all so beautiful and I will continue to entertain you in any way I can throughout this time of increased stress and worry. I hope you find some solace in the beautiful orchestration and warm tones of this show.

Your Friend,
Tony Bennett

Neil Diamond was among the first celebrities to message fans with good thoughts during the Covid-19 early days, early March. It’s been a year since Diamond stopped touring,after his own medical (Parkinsons) diagnosis, so it was good for his fans to hear from him once again with his Corona twist of phrase on one of his biggest hits, Sweet Caroline…
‘..don’t touch me, I won’ touch you…’

Bob Dylan 3-26
‘Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty across the years. This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting.
Stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you.’ -Bob Dylan

Regardless of your own views, these are definite, interesting words, whims and wisdom set to music from Dylan while at the same time paying tribute to beloved President Kennedy and many of his his and our pl not unlike JFK.
NEIL SEDAKA -Lots of humorous errors in the limited lyrics/translation/credits. More understandable , below.

Another WILLIAM HUNG? TALK about bad translations and mangled music and everything else, but this Not-So-Famous Sedaka fan, from China no less(?), does his own Corona take on the above Sedaka tune , with a little political descent thrown in and perhaps a little beer commercial. Rhymin’ Simon or Neil Sedaka he is not. Sorry for the negativity but thought you would enjoy this unusual Corona take. What ever happened,anyway, to that early Chinese breakout star on American Idol?
the Real Neil ”A Special Message of Hope from Neil Sedaka
Nice compliment to THE OTHER Neils message
which one person has already confused-must get her Neils straight. Lucky to have them both offering their messages of hope.

UK answer to Elvis, Cliff Richard , all but unknown in US, with his covid message

Yet Another message of hope, this from the great Sir Cliff Richard but no song, unfortunately

More Celeb Messages to come
Free Instant Access to Covid-19 Central Pandemic Prevention- 15 CoronaVirus Hacks

From CBS Sunday Morn,
4 Rules to Stay Sane during the CoronaVirus Crisis:

1) Rely on the internet (but not too much-editors addition) for things like exercise classes, church services, etc
2) Stay social
3) Stick to a routine
4) Take walks (we’re still allowed to go outside)

Life Religious experience Spiritual

Are You Really Living? You Could Die Tomorrow SO LIVE TODAY!

Motivation to REALLY LIVE before you die.

“This changed my life.” —@positivelatitudes

It may sound perhaps a bit negative for a GOOD NEWS site and simplistic but many in this Western society hold back due to the unspoken fear of death (and other things) – and before we know it we come down with cancer or some other life-threatening malady before we can really embark on that Bucket List or life goals that we’ve put off.

live today for you could die tomorrow
Hi, I’m Kate Manser and I’m just so happy to be alive.

‘Hi, I’m Kate Manser and I’m just so happy to be alive.

I’m the creator of YOU MIGHT DIE TOMORROW. Here’s my story.

In the span of six months, three friends died in unrelated, unexpected tragedies. I developed a fear of death that began to take over my life: I would imagine getting hit as I crossed an intersection, envision how the phone call would go when I got the news that my mom died, and avoided taking any risks out of fear.

A year later, my colleague and adventure idol Dan Fredinburg was killed at 33 years old in the Nepal earthquake while climbing Mount Everest. As I struggled to make sense of the loss, I realized that he knew he might die climbing that mountain, but that he had to climb it to truly live.


Everything changed for me: I realized that I have absolutely no control over when or how I die — but I have complete control over how I live until that mystery moment comes.

All of the energy I spent on my fear of dying was channeled instead into living every day like I might die tomorrow.

For us, it may not necessarily be a fear of death but more about procrastination and forgetting that LIFE IS SHORT and DON’T PUT OFF FOR TOMORROW WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY.

Since then, I have made major shifts in my life to better align with how I want to live. I left my job at Google to embark on a two-year trip to learn about the world, life, and myself. I created YOU MIGHT DIE TOMORROW and wrote a book about everything I have learned. But no shift has been as radical as my shift in life perspective: I live urgently, love wildly, and am so grateful to be alive.

I created YOU MIGHT DIE TOMORROW to help people like you really live before you die. The movement is now made up of thousands of people around the world.” -KM

Time has a way of sneaking up on you and many of us baby boomers are at the age when friends and our generation compatriots are dying at a seemingly alarming rate. But, no, we’re at that age when people die. And, scary to say, but realistically, we could be among them. Life is not guaranteed. Life should not be taken for granted.

It’s not that we don’t have SOME control over our lives. We do and SHOULD take care of ourselves as we can, but at the same time we should be ENJOYING life by the time we get to our SEVENTIES or probably much younger. If you’re much younger, you’re lucky and can get a head start , learning from others who have experienced loss like Kate Manser and ourselves – a wake-up call that even saved my own life when doctors told me the bump on my chest was nothing BUT TURNED OUT TO BE SOMETHING THAT WOULD HAVE KILLED ME AND I WOULD NOT BE ALIVE TODAY IF I HADN’T TAKEN IT UPON MYSELF TO DO WHAT MY ‘NEW’ INNER VOICE TOLD ME TO DO.

So, the message here is just about LIVING, not existing. It doesn’t have to be about climbing Mt. Everest or risk-taking feats. It can be simply about enjoying the Spring sunrise while walking your dog. It can be about taking on a new skill or, for me, religious learning and practice which has given my life new meaning. It can be about living for not only yourself but also for loved ones whose lives were cut short – sharing the messages of loved ones, in reverence, as a sort of religious experience (as I have chosen to do). There are so many ways one can enhance their life, while often enhancing the lives of others.

Most people I know seem to travel a lot when they get older. I haven’t traveled much lately for , perhaps, some fearful reasons and maybe I should. But, I’ve found joy in other ways without having to travel miles to achieve enrichment. I traveled earlier in my life but now find a lot of new things I’ve never done before that seem to make me enjoy life now perhaps more than ever.

For those who need motivation you may want to read Kate Manser’s book ‘You Might Die Tomorrow So Live Today,But, you may not need or want to read Kate Manser’s book yet, if nothing else, let her overall message be a reminder that life IS short and to try to enjoy life NOW while you still can.

Miracles Religious experience Spiritual

Morning (last) Minute Minyan Miracle

Minyan miracle
Anonymous 7 am biker makes the minyan and the day

Great story. I saw it happen before my own eyes.

I was halfway in my car to leave. Rabbi Yisroel certainly has the magic touch to pull Jewish  rabbits out of the hat time and again when least expected. I was totally amazed when the lone  person (bike rider) on the street at 7 am was Jewish and made the last-minute  minyan happen.

Moral: Nothing’s impossible, especially at Lafayette Chabad.


We were 9 men this morning at service, one short for a Minyan and the feeling of disappointment was seen on many. One of the men needed to say Kaddish for his father but no one was coming. 

As some were on their way out, including Rabbi Yisroel, a man was flying down the road on his bike. 
“Are you Jewish?” asked Rabbi Yisroel. “Yes” the man replied. “Can you help us for a Minyan to say Kaddish?”

“I’m in a rush for work” he replied.

Rabbi: “60 seconds”…….

And that was that, he agreed and we had our Minyan… Thank G-D we as a community have been going strong for close to 4 weeks now, please join us when you can, everyday at 6:30- 7:00AM and Sundays at 8:30 @Chabad  and you just might be a part of the next minyan miracle
Have a great day.

-Rabbi Avroham

Ten days earlier, on a late February Saturday morning – one of the few days I have missed minyan – I learned that my uncle just happened to be walking nearby , and, again, Rabbi Yisroel was able to pull him in as the ’10th man’ for the minyan that day. There have been at least a half dozen similar ‘saves’ by Rabbi Yisroel – some where he literally has walked the streets ‘fishing for a Jew,’ as it were, in recent weeks. That makes FOUR WEEKS straight without a minyan break! Rabbi Yisroel notes that, somehow, my uncle was there to fill in for me that day! Call it ‘divine providence,’ says Rabbi Avroham, who only joined Lafayette Chabad a short time earlier. (Perhaps his presence also contributed to the recent ‘nachas.’)

Music Otis Williams

Last Temptation Lives After Another Social Media Hoax

otis williams, tempatations
OTIS WILLIAMS, Last living original Temptation

Despite another viral social media hoax that says he died in a car crash this week, WE’RE glad to report the last surviving member of the Temps is alive and well at 79 and still touring. Says his late ‘brothers’ would love the current Broadway show about the Temptations.  Didn’t realize there was one original Tempation still left. Catch up on the life and times of Otis Williams of the biggest male Motown group in this recent AARP piece >


HAPPY DAYS Are Here Again says poll

New High of 90% of Americans Satisfied With Personal Life says Gallup mainstream poll