Paul Tormey, regional vice president of Fairmont Hotels, leads a singalong of “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” in front of the Tony Bennett statue at the Fairmont Hotel as a tribute to frontline workers battling the coronavirus pandemic in San Francisco, Calif. on Saturday, April 25, 2020. FULL STORY
Let’s make this a extra special tribute to perhaps the first major name in this country who has been taken from us due to the Covid-19 virus, first country star JOE DIFFEE and recently the great roots artist, John Prine, and others.
Carlene Carter talks about Prine in a full hour home concert here. Click below:
Country-folk singer Carlene Carter gives one of the longer and heartfelt home concerts where she sings and talks about her friend, the late John Prine and her famous musical family, among others
‘We hope that everyone is hanging in there and staying safe . Enjoy!’ – Carlene Carter
I was deeply looking forward to seeing you all this year at my many shows throughout the country. I can’t wait to get back on the road, but until then, I have collected all the videos from my 1994 MTV Unplugged performance with the Ralph Sharon Trio! Let this be an experience that we can all share together.
You are all so beautiful and I will continue to entertain you in any way I can throughout this time of increased stress and worry. I hope you find some solace in the beautiful orchestration and warm tones of this show.
Your Friend, Tony Bennett
Neil Diamond was among the first celebrities to message fans with good thoughts during the Covid-19 early days, early March. It’s been a year since Diamond stopped touring,after his own medical (Parkinsons) diagnosis, so it was good for his fans to hear from him once again with his Corona twist of phrase on one of his biggest hits, Sweet Caroline… ‘..don’t touch me, I won’ touch you…’
Bob Dylan 3-26 ‘Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty across the years. This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting. Stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you.’ -Bob Dylan
Regardless of your own views, these are definite, interesting words, whims and wisdom set to music from Dylan while at the same time paying tribute to beloved President Kennedy and many of his his and our pl not unlike JFK.
NEIL SEDAKA -Lots of humorous errors in the limited lyrics/translation/credits. More understandable , below.
Another WILLIAM HUNG? TALK about bad translations and mangled music and everything else, but this Not-So-Famous Sedaka fan, from China no less(?), does his own Corona take on the above Sedaka tune , with a little political descent thrown in and perhaps a little beer commercial. Rhymin’ Simon or Neil Sedaka he is not. Sorry for the negativity but thought you would enjoy this unusual Corona take. What ever happened,anyway, to that early Chinese breakout star on American Idol?the Real Neil ”A Special Message of Hope from Neil Sedaka Nice compliment to THE OTHER Neils message which one person has already confused-must get her Neils straight. Lucky to have them both offering their messages of hope.
UK answer to Elvis, Cliff Richard , all but unknown in US, with his covid message
Yet Another message of hope, this from the great Sir Cliff Richard but no song, unfortunately
From CBS Sunday Morn, HOW TO LIVE AND WORK AT HOME WITHOUT LOSING YOUR MIND or 4 Rules to Stay Sane during the CoronaVirus Crisis: 1) Rely on the internet (but not too much-editors addition) for things like exercise classes, church services, etc 2) Stay social 3) Stick to a routine 4) Take walks (we’re still allowed to go outside)
Despite another viral social media hoax that says he died in a car crash this week, WE’RE glad to report the last surviving member of the Temps is alive and well at 79 and still touring. Says his late ‘brothers’ would love the current Broadway show about the Temptations. Didn’t realize there was one original Tempation still left. Catch up on the life and times of Otis Williams of the biggest male Motown group in this recent AARP piece >